The Karen Weidinger Foundation's 2025 major event is the 20th Annual "Karen For A Kause" 5k Fun Run, 1 Mile Walk
and Children's Mad Dash is to be held on Saturday May 10, 2025 at Frontier Park In Saint Charles. This event was created to raise
awareness and support in the fight against breast cancer, as well as provide a place where families can gather, bring their children
and have a great time! Come Have Fun...Come Give Hope!
Please consider becoming a sponsor at our upcoming event, which should draw over 1000 runners/walkers, spectators and volunteers.
Your commitment demonstrates outstanding community support, while providing hope for breast cancer patients and their families.
Since its inception, the Karen Weidinger Foundation (KWF), a 501(c)3 charity made up entirely of volunteers, has raised nearly $750,000,
with each and every dollar staying in the St. Charles community. (Remove & Replace) Our support is provided directly from the KWF
Foundation and through our Community Partners. The KWF is pleased to provide these and many other items and programs to patients